Application process
Take the first step today
Are you ready to open your heart and home to a child in need?
Our team are keen to speak with you to offer further information about fostering and adoption. Joining you in the journey, we take a personal approach to the process of educating and assessing our prospective carers, in the foster care application process.
Connect with our team today by calling 13 18 19 or contact us online.
We look forward to chatting with you more about the process of becoming a foster carer. We’ll discuss what type of carer you might like be based on your individual circumstances.
Our Process
Step 1: Call our Team
Phone us on 13 18 19 to learn more about the process.
Step 2: Join a Foster Care information session
Learn more about the types of foster care and the process.
Step 3: Attend a training program
Join other prospective foster carers and learn more about supporting children in foster care. This training will help to provide you with a realistic picture of the care experience to help you decide if it is right for you.
Step 4: Take part in an assessment
If you would like to progress, then an assessment is conducted as part of this process. As a foster care agency, we understand that not all situations are the same, so when making an assessment, our staff will review your suitability on an individual basis. The assessment process usually consists of several meetings with key members of your family, specifically those who would be involved in the care of the child or young person.
Step 5: Get ready
If your assessment is successful, additional training is offered to suit your needs. This training is decided on an individual basis to make sure we fully meet your needs in preparing you to become a foster carer.