Governance & Strategy

Family Spirit is a partnership between Marist180 and CatholicCare Sydney. By working together, we can foster better outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and families.
The partnership brings together deep and complementary knowledge, expertise and networks from both agencies.
From client facing services to operational management, we invest in training and support to ensure that all of our staff have the best skills for the important work they do supporting families.

Strategic Priorities
Family Spirit’s inaugural Strategic Plan will guide the beginning chapters of Family Spirit’s mission to enable permanency and wellbeing for children and young people in NSW.
Strengthen our service delivery
- Develop Attachment, Regulation and Competency (ARC) as our trauma informed framework
- Work in partnership with our stakeholders
- Utilise evidence based decision making
Develop our workforce
- Demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional growth
- Develop our knowledge and skills
- Lead by example in word and deed
Recruit and retain foster carers
- Prepare carers to be their best
- Value our carers’ contribution to parenting
- Support our carers
Build collaboration within the sector
- Share ideas and resources
- Be a reliable, valued and trusted sector agency
- Be open to trialling new ways
Build the identity of our agency
- Participate in community and sector events
- Share the positive work we do and the results we achieve
- Identify opportunities to advocate for our clients
Strengthen our financial position
- Grow and retain government revenue
- Develop new non-government revenue sources

Family Spirit Ltd, Suite 301, 2-14 Meredith Street, Bankstown NSW 2200
To send us a message or to be contacted by a staff member please complete the contact form below.
New feedback contact: 0418 364 418 or (from Feb 1, 2025).